World Consumer Rights Day began when John F. Kennedy, who was president from 1961 to 1963, spoke to the US Congress on March 15, 1962, about consumer rights.

Consumers already have rights that can protect them from unfair tactics, abuse, and mistreatment. This day is marked to bring attention to those rights.

World Consumer Rights Day 2024 has a theme of "Fair and responsible AI for consumers." This was chosen by customers International.

This Day is celebrated on March 15 worldwide. As the name implies, this day emphasizes the significance of consumer rights and proper information about the commodity's amount, quality, purity, potency, price, and standard.

1. Right to Safety 2. Right to be Informed 3. Right to Choose 4. Right to be Heard 5. Right to Seek Redressal 6. Right to Consumer Education

There are 6 essential consumer rights.